Hello all,

I have a M4.4 ECU in my '96 855 which was mapped by Oblark and certainly makes a difference to performance, however the only downswide appears to be that the Air Con no longer works when running M4.4 on an 850

Now the weather is warming up I would really like my nice cold Air Con back, but not at the price of putting my old unmapped ECU back in.

This leaves two options as far as I have found through scouring the internet:

- Reprogramming of the M4.4 removing some software file which will enable the Air Con to work again.
- Some hardware modification which will enable the Air Con to work again.

As the first option will involve sending the ECU away again and Oblark knowing what needs to change plus reprogramming for me, I prefer the second if it is relatively easy - Anyone know what the hardware modification is and how to do it?

Thanks in advance