Hi all,

I'm not new to the forum but don't use it a lot.

Have searched both this forum and others for some sort of answer but nobody's situation seems to quite match mine or provide all the answers.

I recently bought a '96 850 T5 CD Manual Saloon, with 114,000 on the clock. It's now on 116,000. I had the engine checked for boost leaks around a month a go and all was well, although I know this could be a new issue which may be causing the problems.

It has been faultless up until last night when a sudden judder on very low throttle occurred cruising at around 50 in 5th gear, followed by the lambda light appearing seconds later.

Now it doesn't seem to boost properly, both in real terms and on the boost gauge. It also requires around 4k revs for a fair few seconds in order to get it started when cold. Without the revs it starts and then dies out immediately. Fuel consumption seems normal and there are no other issues or noises.

I downloaded Vol-Fcr last night in order to try to read the fault codes as I was convinced I had an ODB-2 cable knocking about but I can't seem to find it annoyingly.

The only other point worth mentioning is that there is a decent split in the exhaust post silencer caused by corrosion, whether there is more to this or not I am unsure. However this has been here since I bought the car and has not been a problem (It's on the list to be sorted in the near future).

Firstly, anyone had a similar experience or got any ideas? Secondly, I know I need the fault codes read to establish the issue properly, so does anyone near TA1 Somerset have a diagnostics tool or ODB-2 cable that I could borrow/trouble you with in exchange for some lager beers.

Thanks in advance, Jake.