Bodgeneering - sorry about the spelling.

The branch to the main water pipe (steel??) that carries the turbo return came off today. I cut it short during the fabrication process of fitting the new garrett - which removed the bead off the end. The stump left is about 3/4 inch long

Aside the possible damage that may have occurred - I am trying to remain positive.

What do you think is the best way to stop the standard water pressure from pushing the rubber coolant hose off the stub, given there is no bead to stop it.

Do I need to take the main branch pipe off again - which is very difficult with the manifold in place - and get a bead welded to it?
Will liquid metal adhesive do?

I've also though about glueing on brass olive or compression fittings.

Glue the rubber pipe on & then use 2 jubilees?

To be honest it's driving me around the twist trying to do this so the pipe cannot fall off again.