Hello guys,

Firstly, I wasn't sure where to post this, but here goes.

Recently on returning to my car from lunch, I noticed it had taken a knock and dent to the drivers wing / wheel arch and door. No note was left, neither was there any sign that other cars in the car-park had hit mine.

Luckily, two bystanders managed to stop the bloke who hit my car and get his details before he left. So now I'm going through the laborious process of ringing up my insurance and the other guys insurance to get this whole mess sorted out
( his choice to go through insurers ).

The long and the short is, my car is now awaiting repair. There is a chance that the car could be a total Loss and wrote off, and while its in for repair they cannot guarantee to recover the cost of a hire car from his insurers (And I'd be left to foot the bill) . As a result i've bought myself a 1992 Volvo 940 to rat around in till this is sorted.

When this is all sorted I'll be looking at another car, I really liked the 850 T5 I had. But I'd love to have another which has all the lavish extra's that mine didn't have, I havent had a car yet with air con

So, What should I be looking to pay for a good T5-R, 850R (I'm not sure exactly what the differences are)

Or even a Lavishly equipped 850 T5?

Thanks guys


( I realise now I probably could have gotten away with all the waffle at the beginning of this post, but I suppose I was just venting some frustration, not only at the fact the guy tried to pull a fast one, but the insurers won't sort this out for me because im only third party fire and theft protected, even though I pay £2100!!!)