Anyone got any ideas what I should be using on the c70 to give ultimate paintowrk protection?

The reason I say this is that shortly I will be forced to use her to work again, and as its a cement plant I work from she will be battered by dust and airborne sand all day, 6 days a week,- not good for paint work.

I have previously tried all-sorts of the readily available polish/waxes (eg Autoglym, Mer, Grade A finishing polish etc) but still ended up with fine marks in the laquer which I ended up having to get machine polished out.

I don't mind paying out for something which will protect against the dust but just don't know what to go for. I have been told that something called P21 which is a Canauba wax is supposed to be s@@t hot but the reviews I have read on the net all focus on shine rather than paint protection.

Would like to hear your advice guys
