I was checking my tyres yesterday and to my surprise i noticed that allthough the tyres looked fine from a quick check, the inside edges were illegal so i had two new tyres put on there today. the rest of the tyre tread area was fine.

The car is a C70, with volvo lowered 'sports chassis' and 17" volvo alloys with 225-45-17 rubber. Ok, the C70 does sit very low compared to other C70's i have seen, though obviously i put this down to the lowered sports chassis. The car handles superbly, and suspension seems spot on, and there has been basically no noticeable vibration through the steering at all, not even when the tyres were illegal on the insides.

Was going to have it tracked in work on monday, as when i saw the wear immediate thought went to tracking. However, while the wheels were off i took a look inside the arches and could see that on both sides of the car, the inner arch plastic liners had holes in them where the tyres have rubbed through (same place both sides of the car). I know the tyres do rub a little when on full lock, but didnt think they were rubbing while in a straight line or normal cornering even.

Does any one else have any problems with standard set up (well, out of the factory 'Sports Chassis' at least) and rubbing inner arches? Obviously narrower tyres could be an option, but seeing as i have just invested in 2 new tyres today, i would like to hear of possible ways to prevent this happening if anyone else has had it?