Hi i have Volvo Vida, vida 2014D in the paste i have scanned for example volvo s40 1.9 diesel year 2005 no issues,
today i tried to scan volvo V40 diesel 1.9 manual gearbox year 2004,
i tried different markets i tried different options,
but no luck.
cable is vxdiag doip se, with volvo license...
it recognize the car but i got this issue...
i tried manually enter vin same.... absolutely no luck when i to diagnostics menu, nothing. no way to scan car for some reason ?
can the issue be cable,software or car it self.
When i Scan the car message is
An S40 OR V40 is connected Vin cannot be read out from this vehicle type note if adiagnostics and or software communication should be performed please enter the vin manually...
If my cable was not working i will not get that message i guess? Please see attached photos.Is there a way to fix it scan this car?
i Wast not been able to upload photos over the forum so please check urls...