CHEERS DAVE up on the ramps she goes then in the freezing fog -LUVERLY.
Yeah I love Volvos just NOT the handbrake arrangement! Ive had cars where the handbrake grips the disc MUCH EASIER hardly ever fails MOT. I have had th e shoes I bought many cars ago I always keep a few sets in!!
I KNOW the handbrake was SOLID I think they were 'touting for work!' I set it on the adjuster then did the IN GEAR try to drive forward and reverse SOLID no movement so HOW can they say its not holding??
We also have hills around here like 60 degrees I can park on to test - its FINE on them. Like I say its very quiet atm so 'need the work' prob.
Thats a handy tip for the adusters I also found it can be done WITH the wheels on by removing one wheel bolt but its V FIDDLY but you can click it over enough to set it! Use a LONG thin flat blade.
EVERY time I go to a garage and ask 'can you set the handbrake up.....theres the BIG intake of breath and the calculator comes out!! "ooohh WELL sir....thats......umm....+ we looking at £450 = the VAT?" just TO DO THE HANDBRAKE?? One garage told me WE WILL NOT TOUCH VOLVO HANDBRAKES - END OF SORRY!