Hello there,

Brand new here, so probably subject has been covered in the past. If so, sorry.

I've a 2004 S80 D5 Auto with 150K on it. It's a bit clunky, but I've had it for about 4 years and really quite like it.

A couple of weeks I ago got a Transmission Service Required error on the dash and the gearbox started to behave erratically. It would pull away in high gear some of the time and there was a burning smell like a clutch. If the car was cold, it worked OK.

A wee Google around suggested I might need a gearbox, but this a no-no because the car is only worth about a grand.

I just abandoned it for a week or so, but then decided to change the transmission fluid to see if this would get me out of jail.

Funnily enough it seems to have worked, but I've still got the errors showing on the display, so I need them cleared. Also, I'm not really confident that this is been a correct fix, so I'd like to just trade the car and get another Volvo, probably a S60 D5 auto. (My wife thinks the S80 drives like a couch).

Any advise much appreciated and can I get the messages cleared to let me trade it? I'm based just outside Glasgow.

Many thanks,