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  1. #241
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    You wouldn't even know there used to be switches in there

    How are you getting on with the arduino stuff?
    1996 Olive Green 850 AWD - Follow the Project - Forged rods, 19T, big blue injectors, 960 TB, 3.25" MAF, Ostrich, 608 binary, arduino data display, active exhaust control with Focus RS tips, 320mm front brake conversion.
    1996 Nautic Blue 850 AWD - Failed its MOT, now it's a donor for the green thing.
    2004 Sapphire Black S60 D5 - The new daily hack.

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  3. #242
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dangerous Dave View Post

    How are you getting on with the arduino stuff?

    Lol, all the gear, no idea, I've got an Arduino uno, mega and duo, and am going to get an ESP32, I've got a couple of screens but I'm still waiting for my Nextion screen to arrive, but I wouldn't mind having a copy of your sketch to play with.
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  4. #243
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    I too was looking at the ESP32 as it has more inputs than the ESP8266

    No worries, it is set up to use an ILI9341 library which has the faster draw functions than the standard adafruit libaries.
    1996 Olive Green 850 AWD - Follow the Project - Forged rods, 19T, big blue injectors, 960 TB, 3.25" MAF, Ostrich, 608 binary, arduino data display, active exhaust control with Focus RS tips, 320mm front brake conversion.
    1996 Nautic Blue 850 AWD - Failed its MOT, now it's a donor for the green thing.
    2004 Sapphire Black S60 D5 - The new daily hack.

  5. #244
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    Here you go, give me a shout if you have any questions

     Claymore's temperature gauge display for monitoring temps
    #include <SPI.h>
    #include <TFT_ILI9341_ESP.h>
    #define TFT_GREY 0x5AEB // Dark grey 16 bit colour
    // define case for meter colours
    #define RED2RED 0
    #define GREEN2GREEN 1
    #define BLUE2BLUE 2
    #define BLUE2RED 3
    #define GREEN2RED 4
    #define RED2GREEN 5
    #define RED2BLUE 6
    #define CYAN2RED 7
    #define CYAN2CYAN 8
    TFT_ILI9341_ESP tft = TFT_ILI9341_ESP(); //initiate ILI9341 ESP8266 library
    //setup values (float datatype for decimal values)
    float ccIn;
    float ccOut;
    float bayTemp;
    float airboxTemp;
    void setup() {
      tft.init(); //init display
      tft.setRotation(3); //set display orientation
      tft.fillScreen(TFT_BLACK); //set background colour
    void loop() {
    // read analog inputs from sensors and apply conversion factors
      ccIn = (analogRead(0)*xxxx); 
      ccOut = (analogRead(0)*xxxx);
      bayTemp = (analogRead(0)*xxxx);
      airboxTemp = (analogRead(0)*xxxx);
    // Draw meters
      ringMeter(ccIn.1, 0, 50, 10, 5, 68, "CC-in", GREEN2RED); 
      ringMeter(ccOut.3, 0, 50, 170, 5, 68, "CC-out", GREEN2RED);
      ringMeter(bayTemp.3, 0, 50, 10, 125, 68, "Bay", GREEN2RED);
      ringMeter(airboxTemp, 0, 50, 170, 125, 68, "Airbox", GREEN2RED);
    // #####################################################################################################
    // Ring Meter section/setup (Modified by Dangerous Dave to work with ESP8266)
    // int ringMeter(value, vmin, vmax, x, y, r, "Units", scheme)
    // The ringMeter function returns the x coordinate of the right hand side of the meter to aid placement
    // of the next meter.
    // 'value' is the value to be displayed and plotted, integer values up to 4 digits are accommodated
    // 'vmin' is the minimum value to be plotted
    // 'vmax' is the maximum value to be plotted, thus vmin and vmax set the full meter range
    // 'x' and 'y' are the coordinates of the top left corner of an imaginary box that contains the meter
    // 'r' in the outer radius of the ring in pixels, the minimum is about 52 before the text intrudes on
    // the ring.
    // "Units" is the text string such as "Volts", "C" etc.
    // 'scheme' sets the colour scheme, there are some # define statements in the example that enumerate the
    // settings available, others could be added:
    //    #define RED2RED 0
    //    #define GREEN2GREEN 1
    //    #define BLUE2BLUE 2
    //    #define BLUE2RED 3
    //    #define GREEN2RED 4
    //    #define RED2GREEN 5
    // These different schemes set the colour change as the value grows from vmin to vmax, so for example in
    // the following the colour scheme is change from Blue to Red as the value increases:
    // ringMeter(reading,-10,50, xpos,ypos,radius,"degC",BLUE2RED);
    // In this case a temperature reading is being plotted in the range -10 to +50 degrees C, as the value
    // increases the segments turn from blue (cold!) to red (hot!)
    // #####################################################################################################
    // Function to Draw the meter on the screen
    int ringMeter(float value, int vmin, int vmax, int x, int y, int r, char *units, byte scheme)
      x += r; y += r;   // Calculate coords of centre of ring
      uint8_t w = r / 4;    // Width of outer ring is 1/4 of radius
      uint16_t colour;
      int i;
      int text_colour = 0; // To hold the text colour
      int angle = 130;  // Half the sweep angle of meter (300 degrees)
      int v = map(value, vmin, vmax, -angle, angle); // Map the value to an angle 'v'
      // Settings/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
      const uint8_t seg = 5; // Segments are 5 degrees wide = 60 segments for 300 degrees
      uint8_t inc = 5; // Draw segments every 5 degrees, increase to 10 for segmented ring 2 before value text intrudes on ring
      // Draw colour blocks every inc degrees
      for (i = -angle; i < angle; i += inc) {
        // Choose colour from scheme
        colour = 0;
        switch (scheme) {
          case 0: colour = TFT_RED; break; // Fixed colour
          case 1: colour = TFT_GREEN; break; // Fixed colour
          case 2: colour = TFT_BLUE; break; // Fixed colour
          case 3: colour = rainbow(map(i, -angle, angle, 0, 127));  break; // Full spectrum blue to red
          case 4: colour = rainbow(map(i, -angle, angle, 63, 127)); break; // Green to red (high temperature etc)
          case 5: colour = rainbow(map(i, -angle, angle, 127, 63)); break; // Red to green (low battery etc)
          case 6: colour = rainbow(map(i, -angle, angle, 127, 0));  break; // Red to blue (air cond reverse)
          case 7: colour = rainbow(map(i, -angle, angle, 35, 127)); break; // cyan to red
          case 8: colour = TFT_CYAN; break; // Fixed colour
          default: colour = TFT_BLUE; break; // Fixed colour
        // Calculate pair of coordinates for segment start
        float sx = cos((i - 90) * 0.0174532925);
        float sy = sin((i - 90) * 0.0174532925);
        uint16_t x0 = sx * (r - w) + x;
        uint16_t y0 = sy * (r - w) + y;
        uint16_t x1 = sx * r + x;
        uint16_t y1 = sy * r + y;
        // Calculate pair of coordinates for segment end
        float sx2 = cos((i + seg - 90) * 0.0174532925);
        float sy2 = sin((i + seg - 90) * 0.0174532925);
        int x2 = sx2 * (r - w) + x;
        int y2 = sy2 * (r - w) + y;
        int x3 = sx2 * r + x;
        int y3 = sy2 * r + y;
        if (i < v) { // Fill in coloured segments with 2 triangles
          tft.fillTriangle(x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2, colour);
          tft.fillTriangle(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, colour);
          text_colour = colour; // Save the last colour drawn
        else // Fill in blank segments
          tft.fillTriangle(x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2, TFT_GREY);
          tft.fillTriangle(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, TFT_GREY);
      // Convert value to a string
      char buf[10];
      byte len = 4; if (value > 999) len = 5;
      dtostrf(value, len, 0, buf);
      // Set the text colour to default
      tft.setTextColor(ILI9341_WHITE, ILI9341_BLACK);
      // Uncomment next line to set the text colour to the last segment value!
      // tft.setTextColor(text_colour, ILI9341_BLACK);
      // Print value, if the meter is large then use big font 6, othewise use 4
      if (r > 84) tft.drawFloat(value,1, x - 5, y - 20, 6); // Value in middle
      else tft.drawFloat(value,1, x - 25, y - 20, 4); // Value in middle
      // Print units, if the meter is large then use big font 4, othewise use 2
      tft.setTextColor(ILI9341_WHITE, ILI9341_BLACK);
      if (r > 84) tft.drawCentreString(units, x, y + 30, 4); // Units display
      else tft.drawCentreString(units, x, y + 5, 4); // Units display
      // Calculate and return right hand side x coordinate
      return x + r;
    // Return a 16 bit rainbow colour for the gauge
    unsigned int rainbow(uint8_t val)
      // Value is expected to be in range 0-127
      // The value is converted to a spectrum colour from 0 = blue through to 127 = red
      uint8_t r = 0;
      uint8_t g = 0;
      uint8_t b = 0;
      uint8_t q = val / 32;
      switch (q) {
        case 0: r = 0; g = 2 * (val % 32); b = 31; break;
        case 1: r = 0; g = 63; b = 31 - (val % 32); break;
        case 2: r = val % 32; g = 63; b = 0; break;
        case 3: r = 31; g = 63 - 2 * (val % 32); b = 0; break;
      return (r << 11) + (g << 5) + b;
    1996 Olive Green 850 AWD - Follow the Project - Forged rods, 19T, big blue injectors, 960 TB, 3.25" MAF, Ostrich, 608 binary, arduino data display, active exhaust control with Focus RS tips, 320mm front brake conversion.
    1996 Nautic Blue 850 AWD - Failed its MOT, now it's a donor for the green thing.
    2004 Sapphire Black S60 D5 - The new daily hack.

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  7. #245
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dangerous Dave View Post
    Here you go, give me a shout if you have any questions

     Claymore's temperature gauge display for monitoring temps
    #include <SPI.h>
    #include <TFT_ILI9341_ESP.h>
    #define TFT_GREY 0x5AEB // Dark grey 16 bit colour
    // define case for meter colours
    #define RED2RED 0
    #define GREEN2GREEN 1
    #define BLUE2BLUE 2
    #define BLUE2RED 3
    #define GREEN2RED 4
    #define RED2GREEN 5
    #define RED2BLUE 6
    #define CYAN2RED 7
    #define CYAN2CYAN 8
    TFT_ILI9341_ESP tft = TFT_ILI9341_ESP(); //initiate ILI9341 ESP8266 library
    //setup values (float datatype for decimal values)
    float ccIn;
    float ccOut;
    float bayTemp;
    float airboxTemp;
    void setup() {
      tft.init(); //init display
      tft.setRotation(3); //set display orientation
      tft.fillScreen(TFT_BLACK); //set background colour
    void loop() {
    // read analog inputs from sensors and apply conversion factors
      ccIn = (analogRead(0)*xxxx); 
      ccOut = (analogRead(0)*xxxx);
      bayTemp = (analogRead(0)*xxxx);
      airboxTemp = (analogRead(0)*xxxx);
    // Draw meters
      ringMeter(ccIn.1, 0, 50, 10, 5, 68, "CC-in", GREEN2RED); 
      ringMeter(ccOut.3, 0, 50, 170, 5, 68, "CC-out", GREEN2RED);
      ringMeter(bayTemp.3, 0, 50, 10, 125, 68, "Bay", GREEN2RED);
      ringMeter(airboxTemp, 0, 50, 170, 125, 68, "Airbox", GREEN2RED);
    // #####################################################################################################
    // Ring Meter section/setup (Modified by Dangerous Dave to work with ESP8266)
    // int ringMeter(value, vmin, vmax, x, y, r, "Units", scheme)
    // The ringMeter function returns the x coordinate of the right hand side of the meter to aid placement
    // of the next meter.
    // 'value' is the value to be displayed and plotted, integer values up to 4 digits are accommodated
    // 'vmin' is the minimum value to be plotted
    // 'vmax' is the maximum value to be plotted, thus vmin and vmax set the full meter range
    // 'x' and 'y' are the coordinates of the top left corner of an imaginary box that contains the meter
    // 'r' in the outer radius of the ring in pixels, the minimum is about 52 before the text intrudes on
    // the ring.
    // "Units" is the text string such as "Volts", "C" etc.
    // 'scheme' sets the colour scheme, there are some # define statements in the example that enumerate the
    // settings available, others could be added:
    //    #define RED2RED 0
    //    #define GREEN2GREEN 1
    //    #define BLUE2BLUE 2
    //    #define BLUE2RED 3
    //    #define GREEN2RED 4
    //    #define RED2GREEN 5
    // These different schemes set the colour change as the value grows from vmin to vmax, so for example in
    // the following the colour scheme is change from Blue to Red as the value increases:
    // ringMeter(reading,-10,50, xpos,ypos,radius,"degC",BLUE2RED);
    // In this case a temperature reading is being plotted in the range -10 to +50 degrees C, as the value
    // increases the segments turn from blue (cold!) to red (hot!)
    // #####################################################################################################
    // Function to Draw the meter on the screen
    int ringMeter(float value, int vmin, int vmax, int x, int y, int r, char *units, byte scheme)
      x += r; y += r;   // Calculate coords of centre of ring
      uint8_t w = r / 4;    // Width of outer ring is 1/4 of radius
      uint16_t colour;
      int i;
      int text_colour = 0; // To hold the text colour
      int angle = 130;  // Half the sweep angle of meter (300 degrees)
      int v = map(value, vmin, vmax, -angle, angle); // Map the value to an angle 'v'
      // Settings/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
      const uint8_t seg = 5; // Segments are 5 degrees wide = 60 segments for 300 degrees
      uint8_t inc = 5; // Draw segments every 5 degrees, increase to 10 for segmented ring 2 before value text intrudes on ring
      // Draw colour blocks every inc degrees
      for (i = -angle; i < angle; i += inc) {
        // Choose colour from scheme
        colour = 0;
        switch (scheme) {
          case 0: colour = TFT_RED; break; // Fixed colour
          case 1: colour = TFT_GREEN; break; // Fixed colour
          case 2: colour = TFT_BLUE; break; // Fixed colour
          case 3: colour = rainbow(map(i, -angle, angle, 0, 127));  break; // Full spectrum blue to red
          case 4: colour = rainbow(map(i, -angle, angle, 63, 127)); break; // Green to red (high temperature etc)
          case 5: colour = rainbow(map(i, -angle, angle, 127, 63)); break; // Red to green (low battery etc)
          case 6: colour = rainbow(map(i, -angle, angle, 127, 0));  break; // Red to blue (air cond reverse)
          case 7: colour = rainbow(map(i, -angle, angle, 35, 127)); break; // cyan to red
          case 8: colour = TFT_CYAN; break; // Fixed colour
          default: colour = TFT_BLUE; break; // Fixed colour
        // Calculate pair of coordinates for segment start
        float sx = cos((i - 90) * 0.0174532925);
        float sy = sin((i - 90) * 0.0174532925);
        uint16_t x0 = sx * (r - w) + x;
        uint16_t y0 = sy * (r - w) + y;
        uint16_t x1 = sx * r + x;
        uint16_t y1 = sy * r + y;
        // Calculate pair of coordinates for segment end
        float sx2 = cos((i + seg - 90) * 0.0174532925);
        float sy2 = sin((i + seg - 90) * 0.0174532925);
        int x2 = sx2 * (r - w) + x;
        int y2 = sy2 * (r - w) + y;
        int x3 = sx2 * r + x;
        int y3 = sy2 * r + y;
        if (i < v) { // Fill in coloured segments with 2 triangles
          tft.fillTriangle(x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2, colour);
          tft.fillTriangle(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, colour);
          text_colour = colour; // Save the last colour drawn
        else // Fill in blank segments
          tft.fillTriangle(x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2, TFT_GREY);
          tft.fillTriangle(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, TFT_GREY);
      // Convert value to a string
      char buf[10];
      byte len = 4; if (value > 999) len = 5;
      dtostrf(value, len, 0, buf);
      // Set the text colour to default
      tft.setTextColor(ILI9341_WHITE, ILI9341_BLACK);
      // Uncomment next line to set the text colour to the last segment value!
      // tft.setTextColor(text_colour, ILI9341_BLACK);
      // Print value, if the meter is large then use big font 6, othewise use 4
      if (r > 84) tft.drawFloat(value,1, x - 5, y - 20, 6); // Value in middle
      else tft.drawFloat(value,1, x - 25, y - 20, 4); // Value in middle
      // Print units, if the meter is large then use big font 4, othewise use 2
      tft.setTextColor(ILI9341_WHITE, ILI9341_BLACK);
      if (r > 84) tft.drawCentreString(units, x, y + 30, 4); // Units display
      else tft.drawCentreString(units, x, y + 5, 4); // Units display
      // Calculate and return right hand side x coordinate
      return x + r;
    // Return a 16 bit rainbow colour for the gauge
    unsigned int rainbow(uint8_t val)
      // Value is expected to be in range 0-127
      // The value is converted to a spectrum colour from 0 = blue through to 127 = red
      uint8_t r = 0;
      uint8_t g = 0;
      uint8_t b = 0;
      uint8_t q = val / 32;
      switch (q) {
        case 0: r = 0; g = 2 * (val % 32); b = 31; break;
        case 1: r = 0; g = 63; b = 31 - (val % 32); break;
        case 2: r = val % 32; g = 63; b = 0; break;
        case 3: r = 31; g = 63 - 2 * (val % 32); b = 0; break;
      return (r << 11) + (g << 5) + b;

    Cheers mate, I'll have a play in a couple of days when I've finished with the steering wheel.
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  10. #247
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    I was going to make a Shania Twain 'That don't impress me much' comment... then I started doubting if it actually was her on your in car TV

    Glad to see the update Colin.

  11. #248
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    Overdue Update, the T-5R is now a T-5RS

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    Wahey, thats what we like to see

    So Colin, what is the S for?

    Oh and is the photo upload working ok for you?
    1996 Olive Green 850 AWD - Follow the Project - Forged rods, 19T, big blue injectors, 960 TB, 3.25" MAF, Ostrich, 608 binary, arduino data display, active exhaust control with Focus RS tips, 320mm front brake conversion.
    1996 Nautic Blue 850 AWD - Failed its MOT, now it's a donor for the green thing.
    2004 Sapphire Black S60 D5 - The new daily hack.

  14. #250
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dangerous Dave View Post
    Wahey, thats what we like to see

    So Colin, what is the S for?

    Oh and is the photo upload working ok for you?

    Uploads are now working on firefox but not with Chrome.
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  16. #251
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    Looks like a juicy supercharger found it's way in there

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  18. #252
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    Quote Originally Posted by kmb View Post
    Looks like a juicy supercharger found it's way in there
    It wouldn't be Claymore's car if a supercharger didn't wind up nestling under the bonnet....

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    Quote Originally Posted by MoleT-5R View Post
    It wouldn't be Claymore's car if a supercharger didn't wind up nestling under the bonnet....
    And it no longer is Claymores car.
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  21. #254
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    Hopefully we'll still get updates though!
    1996 Olive Green 850 AWD - Follow the Project - Forged rods, 19T, big blue injectors, 960 TB, 3.25" MAF, Ostrich, 608 binary, arduino data display, active exhaust control with Focus RS tips, 320mm front brake conversion.
    1996 Nautic Blue 850 AWD - Failed its MOT, now it's a donor for the green thing.
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  22. #255
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dangerous Dave View Post
    Hopefully we'll still get updates though!
    I think that's highly likely......

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  24. #256
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    Quote Originally Posted by MoleT-5R View Post
    I think that's highly likely......
    Don't overheat it
    1996 Olive Green 850 AWD - Follow the Project - Forged rods, 19T, big blue injectors, 960 TB, 3.25" MAF, Ostrich, 608 binary, arduino data display, active exhaust control with Focus RS tips, 320mm front brake conversion.
    1996 Nautic Blue 850 AWD - Failed its MOT, now it's a donor for the green thing.
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  25. #257
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dangerous Dave View Post
    Don't overheat it
    That's me going in a different direction, compound charging should be fun and expand my knowledge a fair bit more, I'm already machining up a part that may grace the engine bay, which will depend on what is already fitted, whilst I was making bits for Gul's next round of upgrades, seemed sensible to make a spare, which now can possibly go onto the RS.

    Current Volvo's 1995 854 Gul T-5R 1996 855 Olive T-5R 1997 855 Olive AWD 1999 V70R AWD and 2005 XC90 D5 AWD
    Previous Volvo's 1987 745 gle 1989 745 GL 1995 855 Olive GLE 2001 V70 p2
    My Ebay Items

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  27. #258
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    Back in an AWD....Oh the grip!
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    Can't wait to have a meet
    1996 Olive Green 850 AWD - Follow the Project - Forged rods, 19T, big blue injectors, 960 TB, 3.25" MAF, Ostrich, 608 binary, arduino data display, active exhaust control with Focus RS tips, 320mm front brake conversion.
    1996 Nautic Blue 850 AWD - Failed its MOT, now it's a donor for the green thing.
    2004 Sapphire Black S60 D5 - The new daily hack.


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