Finished work today, got out to the old bus and pushed the button on the keyfob (bearing in mind this is old school alarm with a brick sized keyfob).....

Nothing, not a sausage happened.

So I got my multitool out and took the fob apart messed with the batteries and still nothing. Then I tapped (smashed) the fob against the car which resulted in the whole fob springing apart with batteries flying in all directions (there are 4 button cells in it?!) and the battery cover broken.

So I opened the car with the key, but of course the alarm went off as its not that sophisticated. So I popped the bonnet and disconnected the battery for a bit, then put it back on. But as soon as I opened the door the alarm went off again.

Tried to start the car, but it was immobilised.

Eventually I took my torch apart which has a separate battery holder with the connectors on the same end, popped them against the fob connections and pushed the button. SUCCESS!!!!

No more keyfob central locking for a while