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University Sucks

  1. Omterd
    Where do we start?

    Imagine this. Starting university as a first-year student as a 19-year-old female who commuting to and from home and not living on campus. I came to uni with the mindset that everyone would be so much more mature and willing to make friends with people like me. Boy was I wrong! Every friend I have tried to make so far has either a) ignored me after speaking to me for a few days, b) canceled plans last minute or c) made excuses to leave a conversation. The people on my course are very anti-social and do not give me the time of day. It really does amaze me how they already have friends themselves, yet they don't know how to grow a pair and start a conversation.
  2. takeru
    I study math in college. Nowadays prepare for MBA and other admissions. In my free time practice grammar and other writing skills. Using formal language is advisable when writing essays. It can help if the language is usually more universally accepted. For instance, instead of a word like kids, use something more formal, such as children. I have experience in using recommendation letter service before. The audience may not always comprehend contractions correctly. Because of this, when you write an essay, it is advisable to avoid the usage of contractions
  3. denjoz
    that's so true. I combine work and study right now, it's not so easy but I found essay service at with 18+ years of experience in writing. These guys are professional in proofreading and I often use their help to check my papers and get good grades. Great option for working students.
  4. ownone
    Universities are not bad, as objectives they were created for are noble. It has to be noted also that science and knowledge changed this world significantly since the Enlightenment. But today's hyper competitive world which is a direct consequence of consumerism and pursuit of tech progress by whatever means resulted in an enormous pressure on those responsible for that progress. As a result, students must face far more subjects and keep in mind much more information than their colleges of previous decade. This results into frustration, as inability to accomplish the academic assignments the are due to prepare becomes more apparent, and affect their overall performance and motivation. At least to partly solve this issue the show more decisiveness to do programming homework with professionals, as there they can get everything explained and all the questions answered thus paving the way to less troublesome studies, which is important to them.
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