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Wednesday 26th April 2006, 20:58
Can any one tell me what the above means as it has appeared in my message column alog with an orange warning triangle in dash centre .All bulbs seem to be intact

Wednesday 26th April 2006, 21:07
the first thing i will say is to double check the rear lights to be absolutely 100% there is not a bulb out. this message on the dash is refering to a sidelight. typically it will be a 5w bulb (part number 965828), though it may be a 21w/4w if a new shape v70.

the amount of times i have had people say to me that they have the same message up as you, and there are no bulbs out - only for me to go out and look and show them a bulb had gone. it can be a easy mistake to make, as they have more than one sidelight bulb there, so if one go's out the other will still be on, which causes the confusion.

one other reason that this warning is on can be when people have used non genuine bulbs in their cars (ie from halfords etc). the car measures the resistences accross the bulbs when the brake is pressed for the first time, and some non genuine bulbs (not all i dont suppose) dont have the exact resistance needed, so the fault light will show up, even though the bulb is working. if you have not recently changed a bulb though then this wont be the cause, i would think its more than likely going to one bulb out but not very noticeable.

hope that helps, good luck :)

Wednesday 26th April 2006, 21:10
Thank You very much for your comments i shall check it tomorrow.

Wednesday 26th April 2006, 21:17
it may be easier to check it in the dark mind you, its often when checking in the daylight that makes it harder to spot.

Wednesday 26th April 2006, 21:28
on mine its magic!

warns bulbs are gone, you check they are ok, wait a couple of days for the weekend and a chance to check things out and lo and behold find the bulb has gone.

first time this happened was ok when i left car in car park, got back 2hrs later and light came on, got out and checked all fine, by time I got home one bulb clearly out. Both times this happened it was the drivers side tailight first then by the end of the day the same side brakelight as well.

Either it is so sensitive its registers the bulb going down before it actualy blows or this is conincidence but it has happened twice to me.

May explain to Rufe why people are adamant there are no bulbs out and when he looks there are?
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