View Full Version : D5 Decoke

David P
Friday 16th October 2020, 17:26
Prior to a stage 1 remap and fitting an Airtec intercooler, I plan to strip and manually decoke the induction system and EGR valve.

After removing the considerable amount of muck that has built up in there, would deleting the EGR to prevent it reoccurring be a useful thing to do, or not?

Friday 16th October 2020, 23:06
Yes, but whoever does your stage 1 software will also have to program the EGR as closed. Then you can fit a solid blanking plate without getting the “flow too low” fault come up.

David P
Friday 16th October 2020, 23:53
Thank you. :)

David P
Saturday 17th October 2020, 02:12
P.S. If the EGR valve can be programmed to stay closed, does it still need to be physically blanked off?

Saturday 17th October 2020, 21:12
No it doesn’t. But for the sake of £1.50 I fitted the blanking plate for good measure just in case the software has a malfunction and it also stops air entering the EGR and causing any unwanted turbulence in the intake pipes.

David P
Sunday 18th October 2020, 01:58
Thank you again. :)