View Full Version : DRL question

Sunday 29th January 2017, 07:37
MK2 V70 3.2001 2.4 petrol

how on earth can i switch them DRL's off myself as main dealers around my end want 50 £ for a simple 2 min job.
the normal diagnostic garage computers do not allow the guys i know to do this.

i am even prepared to cut a wire if necessary.

any suggestions or is it been done before ?
i looked but cant find the answer, sorry.

right before anyone ask.
my other half tending to switch ignition on and load car after shopping or dogs.so in the meantime the battery is going down and the car doesn't start anymore.
over a while with jump starting the battery is dead. cost me a battery every year which i like to avoid.
* yes she is also the only person i know using the handbrake on an automatic every time the car parks and drive of with it )

Sunday 29th January 2017, 08:02
You need someone with Vida to change the settings only way.
The easy way to stop flat battery issue, Don't put the key in the ignition until you are ready to drive off as putting it in wakes up the car systems ,the power draw is very high when the radio is on . Anything from 15 to 20 minutes is enough to cause a power problem.

Sunday 29th January 2017, 08:47
You need someone with Vida to change the settings only way.
The easy way to stop flat battery issue, Don't put the key in the ignition until you are ready to drive off as putting it in wakes up the car systems ,the power draw is very high when the radio is on . Anything from 15 to 20 minutes is enough to cause a power problem.

yes i never leave cars on ignition, heather or radio, because i like not to spend money on batteries .
but others do it. i always switch everything of before switching the car off. SHE DOESN'T !
i try to avoid the situation i need a new fully 100% battery.
i know this Battery which came with the car is only 1 year old but i don't want to buy one and this one already showing dim lights on dash when starting unless putting the foot on the pedal.
80 quit or not is worth trying to wait a year or two to get a new one.or may last until i sell the car like the one i just had.
at the moment i have a spare battery in the Boot just in case but isn't as powerful as the original one.
and is only in it because i had it from a previous car. ( good enough for Jump start )
sorry to rant but i refuse buying new for cars unless no other way - unlike others if told go and spend.
i wouldn't even go to Volvo as they far more expensive as my Friends which having Garages but lack on this Special Equipment i need for the DRL.

most people just throwing away and buying new instead of fixing. and then they moan about expensive life. lol

Sunday 29th January 2017, 09:20
Like HArvey says, VIDA is only way it can be done.

More to the point, if you're leaving the ignition on for only a few minutes and the battery is dying, it sounds like your battery is either sulfated and may require a proper charge with a modern battery charger, or you need to replace the battery for a more heavy duty type.
Dealer recommended type is only 570cca which is known to be inadequate.

You should fit either a 096 or if you can afford it get a 019.

Have your charging system checked under load, to make sure it is properly charging you're battery.

Gold 'N' Brown
Sunday 29th January 2017, 09:49
I was going to say the same as Lee. Unless she leaves it on for like 30mins every time (in which case how much bloody shopping is she loading/how many dogs do you have?!!!), the battery should not be going flat regularly.

My battery is quite old, possibly even original (it's a 2000 ph2 V70 T5 with Volvo battery). My DRLs are permanently on too. I've ran the battery flat quite a few times over the years by accident. It's started to sound a bit slower on the starter this winter, and if I leave the ign on with stereo on at normal volume for anything more than 5 mins I het the Low Battery warning message in the dash, but still it never struggles to start.

Sunday 29th January 2017, 13:15
right. i may go for the higher amp battery to avoid having a prob with it. charging checked and gives full level. so alternator is fine although apparently changed last year. looks new too.

may is just because it was standing a while before i picked it up and battery didn't like it. a well. enough room in the boot for a bigger one. lol

so i need to find someone who has this software to get rid of this annoying light comes on and stays on until switching the car off.

on my old v 70 i could switch it off.
so i could have the engine running sitting in the car and no one would notice. ha ha

Gold 'N' Brown
Sunday 29th January 2017, 22:14
As far as I know the only two options are using VIDA to switch it off, or - I forget the name of the product - some fancy device that a few people have on here that you plug in to the OBD and you can configure various options within the car (for example personalised welcome messages on the dash), but that's not cheap either.

I've always wanted to disable my DRLs but I've just got used to it after a few years and it doesn't bother me at all now. In the first week or so I had the car I would switch to sidelights only when driving, but then I kept forgetting they were on and ran the battery down twice at work as obviously they stay on when you switch off and lock the car.

Really, unless you can find someone with VIDA to do it for you, I'd just learn to live with it providing you can sort the battery issue and the wife out! But as I said, it should NOT be running the battery low just from having the ign on for a few minutes whilst she faffs about. And to add to what I said above about the condition of mine, my car mostly does very short journeys about town, and at this time of year with a lot of drain what with lights, heated seats, heated windows etc. And I have no battery issues.

Sunday 29th January 2017, 22:23
One of these I think you talking about.


Monday 30th January 2017, 00:47
just looked about batteries and i do what i did on the old v70. put a near double amp battery in this should solve any issues she may creates. lol.

thanks for the help.

that fancy thing is nice but not an option for just switching DRL off. lol

its not going on the road again till next weekend.
Throttle sensor replacement, Lock Stop replacement, new Stereo Window Tint new Tyres, Widnwisers and other little Bits and Bops which will be done this week.
so new Battery just comes with it. ha ha

Gold 'N' Brown
Monday 30th January 2017, 08:59
Yeah Harvey, CFE, that's the puppy. Couldn't remember the name.