View Full Version : Boost tailing off... New cbv or pipes? P2 vr

Friday 3rd April 2015, 13:59
On my 2004 v70r. So got my data logger and watched a boost graph, boosts too 14.5psi and tails off to 9.7 at 5800—6000rpm. Anyone had this, what would you recommend changing first?

Friday 3rd April 2015, 17:19
What are you using to log boost? It's probably making it up.

Friday 3rd April 2015, 17:40
It's the elm327...and the torque app, had the gauge up and noticed it tailing off so put it on graph and it hits peak boost then higher I go in the revs the more it drops. Last car I used it on was a mapped 2007 Saab and never dropped like this... Maybe explain how I can't shake of a focus st

Friday 3rd April 2015, 17:52
It might well be dropping off but Torque will not be accurate in showing boost. Volvo does not publish boost via the generic OBDII protocol and Torque then uses maf values (and other things) to estimate it.

Friday 3rd April 2015, 18:03
I really need to get this rolling roaded to see, would the tech2 be any better as i can get my pal to come with his from the garage (if the volvos use tech2) il try to log a run later and try post it as i need to do a rescue mission so my pal can get home for the weekend

Friday 3rd April 2015, 18:35
You need to use Volvo gear or a data logger specifically made for Volvo's, or a boost gauge.......

VIDA will give you a basic outlook.

Saturday 4th April 2015, 17:29

Saturday 4th April 2015, 18:25
Pure fiction I'm afraid.