View Full Version : actuator adjustment.

Sunday 14th September 2014, 13:01
after some comments on here, i'm going to give my actuator 1 turn on here to up my boost a bit, now i know how to do the adjusting, i just cant see how to do it on my 850, theres a heatshield in the way.

how do i get the heatshield out the way, i cam see two bolts. at the actuator side, and a couple at the other sids with what looks like sprins on them but they are pretty much siezed solid.

is there a quick way to get it off or is it a fair strip down to get it out the way?

Sunday 14th September 2014, 13:22
Let the bolts snap... So long as there's one holding the heatshield, it'll be fine. If they all snap off, throw the heatshield in the bin.

Sunday 14th September 2014, 19:59
Spray some kind of penetrating fluid such as wd40 on the nuts may help free them a little but they do have a tendancy to snap.