View Full Version : Blower Motor Issue

Thursday 7th June 2012, 04:24
Just got the blower motor out the other day and weirdest thing happened. As I was pulling it out, it seemed stuck so by the time I got it out, it loosened up. I reconnected the plugs and was going to turn the ignition on to see if it was going to work. Well before I even had a chance to turn the ignition on, it started working. Good thing I didn't have my fingers near it! So I turned the ignition on and it stopped... I grabbed the unit and then it started working again. The plug housing on the back doesn't make a proper connection for some reason. Should it be working when the car is off also???

Sunday 10th June 2012, 02:36

Sunday 10th June 2012, 19:10
A little more info for anyone to go by...

Okay so I had a chance to test it out again(been fairly busy the last little while)... It runs full speed no matter if the key is on or off and what position the fan speed control is in (auto, low, medium, high). I had a hard time trying to get it working this time around. The fan does turn a little harder than it should (my personal opinion) and there is dust from the bearings around the unit but there isn't any play in the bearings. The very first time I had it going, it did squeak a little at the start and now it doesn't anymore. Now when I bent the plug in a certain position, it works fine, so I'm thinking what ever is in behind the plastic cover is dirty. I would also like the take the plastic cover off to oil the rear bearing too. From what I've read, the fan can stay on from either a bad ECC or resistor block. I have unplugged all the wires around the unit before (assuming one was for the ECC) and it still continued to stay on. I'm wondering if the motor was turning harder, it put too much load on the resistor block, and then finally burnt it out.

And I tested for codes... Nothing comes up.
