View Full Version : Sticky throttle... or cruise control?

Wally Dog
Thursday 3rd May 2012, 23:26
Hi Volvo peeps, wonder if anyone can help me shed some light on my N reg 850 T5. I find it impossible to get the car to idle at exactly 3000 rpm, it gets to about 2600 and then races up to about 3300 - then holds there for a few seconds after releasing the throttle before dropping back to idle.

Has anyone experienced such a problem before and is it fixable. If not, what part could it be, as I have just bought another one which I'm going to strip for parts and can swap over stuff if needed. Only thing is that the scrapper doesn't have cruise control - would this make any difference to throttle assemblies/parts?

Many thanks for any assistance.

Thursday 3rd May 2012, 23:35
think that's the idle control valve but not sure...?

Wally Dog
Thursday 3rd May 2012, 23:39
Not had any problems with idling, would the idle control affect higher revs?

Thursday 3rd May 2012, 23:42
Dunno mate but the idle control valve can do weird things to a car when it goes wonky.
Have you checked the vac hoses for leaks?

Wally Dog
Friday 4th May 2012, 00:44
nope, not yet - I'm gonna start stripping off my scrapper next week and see what's best. I'll check that sort of stuff out and keep the pipes in best condition.

Friday 4th May 2012, 00:49
New silicone vac pipes from hyphose is 12 quid for 4 meters ;) and they're top quality - good for +/- 30 psi...

Wally Dog
Friday 4th May 2012, 01:12
Ooh, look good too. Just seen another thread going on about an engine breather that needs to be done with the service. Think that might need doing as I've got 228000 on the clock and haven't done this since I got it in July last year (at 211000). might this have anything to do with it?