View Full Version : Seat Belts for the big boys!!!

The Flying Banana
Tuesday 16th August 2005, 15:18

Dont want to hi jack Neils thread so here is one to see if anyone has any solutions....I am tall and big at the minute!!! ( read podgy!!!) and there is not alot of give in the belt when clipped in...does anyone know if there is another option..a longer belt that will fit the Volvo perhaps has anyone heard anything in their travels..anything at all ...surely this is a prob others have come across!!

Tuesday 16th August 2005, 15:48
Surely there must be some sort of extension available.

Tuesday 16th August 2005, 15:55
Apparently some dealers hand extenders out free in the states. Must be lots of larger gentlemen and ladies there or something?

Tuesday 16th August 2005, 16:28
I have to admit there isn't much room left on mine in fact i have to take it off to reach my pies when they roll into the passenger footwell.

Tuesday 16th August 2005, 16:42
if your tall and big its not usually a problem in any volvo to be honest, its those who are short and big who get the trouble with needing longer seat belts, as the seats are pulled forward and have longer to go, if you follow. im 6 foot 6 and quite large framed lol, but havent had a problme driving any model volvo to be honest.

some older models did have options available of longer extended seat belts, but these days none of the models do (afaik).

the other time we get this problem from customers is when people wish to put baby seats in their cars, but find that none of the seats they want will fit. genuine volvo baby/child seats will allways fit every models seat belt, but for some reason most other makes are a problem fitting.

Tuesday 16th August 2005, 16:53
thats my problem too, 5'11" and a 58" chest, not a good combination for the t5, no probs in the 740, 760 or v40? but now i have a t5 the belt is very near its limit. i have found that if i set the seat so the base(not back) is tilted back and and seat back is upright( i like to drive with a straight back) you get a few more cm's to play with. at least if the pretentioners fire you wont get zorro'ed

Tuesday 16th August 2005, 17:00
you all need vectras lol :P :haha:

Friday 26th August 2005, 15:29
Saw a man mountain in a blUE V70 t5 on the m42 today he must have been 30 stone and he was wearing a seat belt so there must be something available.

Friday 26th August 2005, 17:07
Disability aid shops do them

Universal fit usually