View Full Version : How to find boost leaks

Friday 13th May 2011, 17:02
Hi, i was testing for leaks tonight and i thought i might write it up just in case anyone is struggling with what to do.

I have used no special tools for this just;
a 12v car tyre inflater
some rubber gloves
some cable ties
a can of aerosol
fairy liquid in a spray bottle.


i suspected a leak in my intercooler so i disconnected the pipe going into the intercooler from the turbo.
1. put a glove over the pipe. make a small hole in one of the fingers so that you can get the tyre inflater in there. You may also need a cable tie on the glove to stop it from popping off.

2. remove the pipe to the throttle body (butterfly valve) and cover with another glove and add a cable tie. you might need a thumb or little rubber finger and cover up the idle control valve inlet pipe.

3. turn the tyre inflater on and watch the gloves fill with air untill they are pretty big.

4. now turn the compressor off. all you should hear now is air leaks. if you are strugggling to spot exactly where the air is coming out spray some soapy water on the area and watch for bubbles.

The idea is that the glove blows up like a balloon so that it will hold some air without having to have the noisy compressor running. if the system is good it will stay inflated for ages.

Test 2

This time i wanted to test all the pressurised side of the engine.

in stead of using a glove i put the top of an aerosol can on the pipe as pictured and refit the rubber pipe over the top and tightened it all back up.

now i put some rubber hose on the tyre inflater and attached it to the vacuum tree enabling me to pressure up the inlet manifold.

Its worth removing vac pipes that go to atmosphere. for example on my 850 there's a rubber pipe that goes to a metal pipe running around the rocker cover and back to the fresh air side of the turbo. i blocked this off. You could even just put the tyre inflater into the tree here.

now turn on the inflater. i let it run up to 10psi before switching it off and looking for leaks. too much pressure will blow out the plastic can top, so be carefull when doing this.

with 5psi in the system i again spray around for leaks. On my car i found this

i believe its the master cylinder. im not really sure how i'm going to stop it leaking. either way i hope this helps you all!!

Friday 13th May 2011, 17:48
usefull stuff,

I too think I have a leak, so that will help!



Alan M
Friday 13th May 2011, 21:16
Its not brilliantly clear but that looks like a leak from the one way valve seal onto the brake servo or hose onto it. You can get a replacement seal from Volvo or just remove yours clean relube then refit as they sometimes go dry with age and can leak.

Friday 13th May 2011, 22:10
Will stuff piss out of it if I pull it out?

Friday 13th May 2011, 22:57
No mate, its a vacuum feed.

Saturday 14th May 2011, 09:19
nice technique.......Did make me laugh seeing a white hand waving under the bonnet tho mate...

Saturday 14th May 2011, 10:30
Good Stuff, I used a pint glass and lots of tape :) LOL