View Full Version : couple of new mods :)

850T5 Jason
Sunday 24th April 2011, 23:48
okay, decided to mount my PSI gauge somewhere neat as its been loosely layed on the dash while setting up my MBC

http://a7.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/222968_212810765414390_100000564053783_758424_1362 570_n.jpg

http://a6.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/217155_212810695414397_100000564053783_758423_9121 42_n.jpg[/url]

then i decided to fit my spare Greddy EBC until the time comes for a remap/chip. Firstly id forgot how much fitting the EBC changes the power delivery and drive comapred to my MBC or the O.E control valve, the EBC is set @ 11.5psi settling on around 10.5psi as the revs get high, with the gain set at 0 the wastgate is slowly opened at around 80% of max boost so the last couple of PSI is rather gradual. The spike from 0-9/10psi is rather rapid and strong even on light throttle so im happy with how it drives like this :) i may have play with the setting tomorrow and see what i can do with it while staying under 13psi :)

http://a3.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/225119_212821055413361_100000564053783_758561_7780 799_n.jpg



Monday 25th April 2011, 00:51
why have you got a MBC and EBC , makes sence to stick with the EBC m8

850T5 Jason
Monday 25th April 2011, 15:11
why have you got a MBC and EBC , makes sence to stick with the EBC m8

I havnt mate :) the MBC has been ditched for the EBC, must have wrote it wrong excuse me :slap:

