View Full Version : Remote alarm

Sunday 3rd July 2005, 10:32
Recently my remote alarm has been playing up. It started with it taking a few presses on the key fob to get it to unlock, so I changed the battery which seemed to cure it for a couple of weeks. Then the problem returned, so I swapped to the spare fob ( still had the writing on so not used very much) but the problem persists. I can lock the car straight away but when I return the unit takes a number of presses before it unlocks and sometimes I have tried removing the battery then replacing straight away (same one) which seems to work.
I have resorted to locking with the key but any ideas?

Sunday 3rd July 2005, 15:48
My Fob became erratic sometime ago, I have no spare, so I started locking on the key to avoid being stranded. However, when I read how easy it is to bypass the immobiliser on here I thought I'd start using it again 'cos I wouldn't get stranded. Anyway I got my fob out and gave it a go, but there was no joy so I bought new batteries thinking that as it had sat for about 6 months they must have gone flat but when I put them in there was still no joy. This prompted closer examination which revealed what i believe was the problem. When you remove the batteries there are 2 contacts, 1 which goes straight onto the batteries and one that goes up the side. On mine the one which goes up the side had pushed back, and wasn't touching, so a little bit of pressure pushed it back into place and it's been fine since. Hope this works for you.