View Full Version : ETM Not the Normal ?

Wednesday 5th May 2010, 11:56
Can anybody notice the difference between the Electronic version and the old cable one. I have to drive in thin shoes to be able to feel the car is this normal or just me.
I hope I have the name correct Excellerator cable in old money. Never noticed with the Geartronic previous but now can with this new 6 gear T5.

Wobbly Dave
Wednesday 5th May 2010, 13:00
I have never Excellerated - accelerated many times. And breaked occasionally :P

Wednesday 5th May 2010, 13:53
Well, the fly-by-wire set up might feel less consistent, this is because the computer is ultimately deciding whether or not it can safely meet the demand of your right foot based on feedback from various sensors including (importantly) the intake manifold temperature and knock sensors. Hence you might feel the car under/over perform depending on conditions. The ETM can also give 'driveability' symptoms if it's worn or the butterfly valve is gunked up.

Wednesday 5th May 2010, 14:33
I have never Excellerated

You may have on a spreadsheet ;)

Wednesday 5th May 2010, 20:30
Drive the D5 in shoes, trainers, wellies, sandals and hiking boots. [edit] Also in cycling shoes, can't get anything with less feel than that except clogs!

The throttle pedal is simply spring resistance, the reason the pedal 'feels' unresponsive is down to the DSTC. It's the Dynamic part of the system that decides whether or not to apply the power setting you have requested with the pedal position. If you boot it then the system will actually cut the power to prevent wheelspin and/or torque steer.

There is NO direct corrollation between the feel of the pedal and the power delivery. It is just your brain that makes it so.

Wobbly Dave
Thursday 6th May 2010, 11:13
You may have on a spreadsheet ;)
Word up bro!

Thursday 6th May 2010, 11:17
Word up bro!

Is that office-ial

Friday 7th May 2010, 01:21
Word up bro!
