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andi's red 850R
Tuesday 21st June 2005, 20:28
:anmflower 850R's are rare as f**k
thanx to a stuart rodgers at customer relations at volvo uk.
who has informed me only 196 R's were sold in the uk.

could be useful to somebody selling one,or just make us R owners feel special :haha:

Tuesday 21st June 2005, 20:42
850R- rarer than a T-5R.... :haha: :haha: :haha:

or is it 196 850R's and unknown number of 855R's?

How many were in manual transmission?

Can you find out?

Still dosen't make my red one yellow :(

Tuesday 21st June 2005, 20:49
Aren't all 850Rs red ? Only 23 Olive Green T-5Rs estates in the UK :P

andi's red 850R
Tuesday 21st June 2005, 21:05
:B_steerin thats saloon and estates (855+854)
just 196 of the little beasts in total. :)

Tuesday 21st June 2005, 21:06
:B_steerin thats saloon and estates (855+854)
just 196 of the little beasts in total. :)

Do you have an email for this chap ?

196 - probably much less still running.. a prized belonging indeed.

andi's red 850R
Tuesday 21st June 2005, 21:19
:B_steerin just go onto volvocars.uk website
select contact us,and just ask your question.
takes a while to get a reply but they do answer :anmflower

Tuesday 21st June 2005, 21:21
I expect those figures are correct. All the boffins at Volvo saw that finishing the run of the T-5R was a silly mistake and that the new "R" would never be as good .............so they stopped building it early.

Well that could be the truth......couldn't it???

Tuesday 21st June 2005, 21:29
I expect those figures are correct. All the boffins at Volvo saw that finishing the run of the T-5R was a silly mistake and that the new "R" would never be as good .............so they stopped building it early.

Well that could be the truth......couldn't it???

Well the T-5R is limited edition. The 850R was open to as many people that wanted to buy them. As it happens only 196 where sold - probably because they all just spanked 30k on the T-5R the year or two before :)

Tuesday 21st June 2005, 23:29
Well the T-5R is limited edition. The 850R was open to as many people that wanted to buy them. As it happens only 196 where sold - probably because they all just spanked 30k on the T-5R the year or two before :)

30 Grand for my car :jaw: :jaw: :jaw:
It really was a bargin then

The Flying Banana
Tuesday 21st June 2005, 23:43
The same club say that in yellow only 200 cars were made for UK, 100 estates and 100 saloons, of the estates 16 of these were manual not sure about the saloon though

Wobbly Dave
Wednesday 22nd June 2005, 00:14
I'm special anyway! LOL

But good to know.

Wednesday 22nd June 2005, 08:33
Not meaning to hijack from the R boys, but could someone post another thread with one of those voting thingys about what colour car people have? Don't recall seeing more than a few maroon / wine red / plum red T5's on here. Perhaps mine is rare too...

Wednesday 22nd June 2005, 08:34
I'm special anyway! LOL

But good to know.

You are special Dave..... very Special :)



Wednesday 22nd June 2005, 17:37
196 850R's and 750 "Limited Edition" T5R's, looks obvious to me which one is the rarer :haha: So the 850 R is newer,and has more power, and is faster and more "limited" than the "Limited Edition" T5R! Mine twas a good buy then methinks!! Bit of a bummer for the T5R boyz though!! Still not to worry we're all still friends :remybussi are'nt we!?

Wobbly Dave
Wednesday 22nd June 2005, 17:39
All the Rs are special and rare in their own way. Especially the red ones! :haha:

Wednesday 22nd June 2005, 17:39
Mine's red too Dave!

Wednesday 22nd June 2005, 17:43
I still think she doesn't really know. I put more faith into the link I showed you as I've seen those before. What I believe is the figure for all 3 colours is closer to 400 in total - 200 been made up from black (1/3) and yellow (2/3) and about 200 olives.

The 850Rs where just an afterthought ;) and although they sold fewer here (because they just sold 400 T-5Rs at 30-32k a pop) worldwide yours where never limited :)

My question still stands though. Are all 850Rs red? and of course we all love each other - Ovlov after all. Besides best us R boys stick together ;)

p fandango
Wednesday 22nd June 2005, 18:20
Besides best us R boys stick together ;)
you'll need to with only 196 of you :)

Wobbly Dave
Wednesday 22nd June 2005, 18:21
you'll need to with only 196 of you :)
Jealousy is a cruel master :haha:

Wednesday 22nd June 2005, 19:41
My question still stands though. Are all 850Rs red?

No, but you'd think it with the number around!

Colours were red, black, olive green, turquoise and the ultra rare white.

Interiors were either black leather/ alcantara with walnut (?) wood or beige leather/ alcantara with Ikeatastic birch wood.

Wednesday 22nd June 2005, 23:30
Yeah found this out tonight thanks to the chaps at the Essex meet.

Cheers for the reply chap! Nice to learn new things!

Thursday 23rd June 2005, 09:19
Adam have you got a pic of your Turquoise R ? As it was kind of difficult to explain the colour,


Thursday 23rd June 2005, 09:21
http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=9872&item=4557802865&rd=1&ssPageName=WDVW - this be Adam's old R colour!


Thursday 23rd June 2005, 09:34
Thanks Nat, I tried explaing it as Bluey Green pearlescent lol,


Thursday 23rd June 2005, 10:58
is that really true only 16 manual t5r estates :jaw: ,that means one of the 16 is in the driveway and another one is 5minutes around the corner,another one is sitting on the forcourt of a tuner near me ;),so where are the 13 others hehe.There must be more

Thursday 23rd June 2005, 21:16
What About the saloon olive green manual t5rs?

p fandango
Thursday 23rd June 2005, 21:23
is that really true only 16 manual t5r estates :jaw: ,that means one of the 16 is in the driveway and another one is 5minutes around the corner,another one is sitting on the forcourt of a tuner near me ;),so where are the 13 others hehe.There must be more
i know where 1 of them is

The Flying Banana
Thursday 23rd June 2005, 22:59
i know where 1 of them is

And I am looking at another one just now!!!

Friday 24th June 2005, 11:18
Did someone say Ikeatastic Birch Wood...? I think I sense a split in the 196 strong R ranks. Birch Boys versus dirty Walnuts. Forget picking on the T-5R commoners, I want an apology from the sweaty walnuts...

Friday 24th June 2005, 11:20
What About the saloon olive green manual t5rs?

We purists don't count the saloons. :haha:


Friday 24th June 2005, 11:27
You are special Dave..... very Special :)

Seems like you're doing enough "Sticking Together" for all of us. :eek:

Friday 24th June 2005, 16:08
ALL R's are good!, birch or walnut, some are "limited" and some are, well, more limited, so think I'll just call those ones, and we all know now which one's those are, "Exclusive" :)

Friday 24th June 2005, 16:28
Picture the scene...........A misty early morn, slithers of dappled sunlight cut through the forest canopy like bolts of lightning. In the clearing can be seen, two dishevelled figures. In motion. Reminiscent of ballet. Cutting through the silence, the sound of metal clashing with metal. Moving in closer, we see "R" man and "T-5R" man with dipsticks drawn, duelling for the right to be called "The Most Exclusive". Dipsticks crash and clatter before one falls to the ground. The victor stands proud and raising his dipstick to the heavens, roars out a cry of victory. For he has won and in the end he had proved what he had already known...........that the best and most exclusive was............................................... ............?

Friday 24th June 2005, 18:29
We purists don't count the saloons. :haha:


Well you know what they say about sequels :nutkick: :haha: :B_rotfl: