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Tuesday 2nd February 2010, 20:01
Hope someone can help. My S60 has started to blow smoke. Its mainly white but with a hint of blue in it. Its worst from a cold start and seems to get better the warmer the engine gets. From a cold start I get lots and lots of it.

Does anyone have any suggestions on what it could be and how much it would take to get it fixed. I dont have much spare cash.


Tuesday 2nd February 2010, 20:15
when my car done that i done a oil service and then i stopped might not be the same with yours but it work for mine

Tuesday 2nd February 2010, 21:36
T5 or D5 ? I'd say your turbo seals have let go, and its oil in the exhaust. Mind you dont run the sump dry and bugger the engine...

Tuesday 2nd February 2010, 23:03
Agree. Sounds like a turbo issue to me.:pants:

Wednesday 3rd February 2010, 09:18
might be a stupid question but is it deffo smoke and not the cold air?
When I start mine at the minute there is plumes of mist coming from the exhaust but when it warms up it stops, I thought this was a problem but most cars on the road are blowing mist.

I could be wrong but I thought it might be worth mentioning

Wednesday 3rd February 2010, 20:32
white blue smoke is either head gasket allowing oil into the bores which is burning it, a damaged ring. also can be a turbo oil seal which is most likely with the smoke issue. if turbo then get it looked at real soon as major damage can happen.

if its a diesel advise driving it very gently to your nearest garage and try not to use the boost of the turbo when driving as it can pick up on its own oil which will fill the intercooler and the car will rev its bits of till something goes bang even if you switch it of. if this did happen stalling the engine is only way to stop it and most times its to late to stop lots of damage

Friday 5th February 2010, 20:16
Thanks guys. Will have to take it into the garage by the sounds. Its def. not just cold air, not with the amount of smoke. When I now go round corners at speed, the computer now tells me to "Stop, no oil pressure". When back on a straight it goes off. So now I know its losing oil. Wish me luck.

t5 pete
Friday 5th February 2010, 20:26
dont use the car if its loosing oil quite alot its not worth the risk

Friday 5th February 2010, 20:46
You will surely have buggered the cat, and o2 sensors too by running it like this sadly :(

Friday 5th February 2010, 21:57
white blue smoke is either head gasket allowing oil into the bores which is burning it, a damaged ring. also can be a turbo oil seal which is most likely with the smoke issue. if turbo then get it looked at real soon as major damage can happen.

if its a diesel advise driving it very gently to your nearest garage and try not to use the boost of the turbo when driving as it can pick up on its own oil which will fill the intercooler and the car will rev its bits of till something goes bang even if you switch it of. if this did happen stalling the engine is only way to stop it and most times its to late to stop lots of damage


If your car is a 2.0T or an R or D5 then you almost certainly have failed turbo seals. The white smoke is obviously noticeable otherwise you wouldn't be here! It is impossible to drive a turbo charged car without spooling the turbo so don't do it, especially if it's auto. Like someone has already said, she will force oil into the exhaust and shag your catalyst and o2 sensors (you have two, not one). Worst case scenario is she will force oil into the intercooler hoses and empty your sump dry. Not only will this seize your engine but it will also cause a hydrolock and this will definately screw the head and all your conrods will bend. if you don't believe me then drive it - you'll soon see :) My mates 1.9TDi passat did just that after it blew the turbo up...in less than 10 seconds doing 30mph it emtied his sump, filled all the intercooler hoses and the intercooler with engine oil and hydrolocked his engine until every rod was bent. The damage was £3500 for a new engine complete + a new Turbo.

Get it recovered to a garage and don't even start the thing. Don't wanna scare you but shi t happens sometimes.