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Saturday 11th April 2009, 12:11
justin, alan doesn`t want to drive at 400mph, nor is he asking you to condone racing. a couple of throttle squirts for a comparison is not racing, its just not! and thats all he did.

you and your site are becoming a biased joke!

public forum my a***!

assume your gna close this thread now...... what a tool you really are.

Saturday 11th April 2009, 12:18
am out of here thats it for me chaps!!!

Saturday 11th April 2009, 13:28
Shut the door!

Saturday 11th April 2009, 13:32
justin, alan doesn`t want to drive at 400mph, nor is he asking you to condone racing. a couple of throttle squirts for a comparison is not racing, its just not! and thats all he did.

you and your site are becoming a biased joke!

public forum my a***!

assume your gna close this thread now...... what a tool you really are.

Which part of "any further threads on this subject will be deleted" do you not understand?

This forum does not condone any form of speeding or road racing in any way shape or form - how does that make the site biased you complete fool?

Dont like it? There's there door (see red x at the top right hand of the screen)

And no Justin isn't going to close this thread but I AM! If you have a problem with that feel free to PM me but if you start another ridiculous thread on this subject I'll just ban you as we all have better things to do than listen to this drivel.

And yes I may be being harsh but tough!

Saturday 11th April 2009, 18:22
Abuse to staff is an instant ban, so i have ended your misery 850twr.

Its quite simple and i have read the whole of it and have been quite polite and fair. Its a public forum but like the "real" world graffitti is not permitted. Best wishes :)