View Full Version : The Chatterbox

Monday 6th April 2009, 19:14
For those of you who are interested i have a couple of naff quality videos of my car now it has the recirc valve blanked off and a mushroom filter on.



In car (windows up, ignore me and mate talking rubbish)


Monday 6th April 2009, 20:10
For those of you who are interested i have a couple of naff quality videos of my car now it has the recirc valve blanked off and a mushroom filter on.



In car (windows up, ignore me and mate talking rubbish)


Sounds like mine does very nice :)

Monday 6th April 2009, 20:19
Yup sounding good..... although ive never been a huge fan of the wastegate "chatter" sound, much prefer the "whoosh" of a good twin piston dump valve! hehe

t5 pete
Monday 6th April 2009, 20:50
Ive got to admit i think it sounds a hell of a lot better than a dump valve it would just be good to get a definate answer if it actually does any damage or not.
Also what filter have you got on e.g. make

Monday 6th April 2009, 21:53
agreed pete, the general consensus i have read is that at standard boost it does no damage. The filter is just a universal mushroom mate.

t5 pete
Monday 6th April 2009, 21:57
MY mates cossy runs 29-30 psi and his chatters due to a failed dump valve and when he went for it seting up he asked about it and all the tuner said was yeah it sounds dead nice i wouldnt worrie about it.

Monday 6th April 2009, 22:01
Matter of personal opinion then! Thats whats makes the world go round tho eh? ;)

Monday 6th April 2009, 23:59
i like the sound of the chatter my dv does my head in lol but i am keeping it on there as i think the turbo wont last long lol not the way i drive anyway lol

Tuesday 7th April 2009, 14:43
lovely sound, altho i still get nice n loud chatter through my cone with a bov fitted.