View Full Version : Going to VT wednesday

Monday 16th May 2005, 13:17
Yes the time has come to pay a visit to VT,

I have a few running probs and after speaking to Hamish a little while ago, have decided to bit the bullet and take a trip to the midlands.

Whilst there it would be good to see anybody from here if local and have a chat. :Handshake
Might be tempted to get RICA'd at the same time :doh: don't tell the misses

Monday 16th May 2005, 13:20
LOL!! I can see you going home with a few more ponies than you arrived with!!!! I wont tell if you dont :)


Monday 16th May 2005, 13:23
it is poss but we have to see if the old girl is up to it first, then when I get home it'll be :duck: for the fist thing to come at me....

Monday 16th May 2005, 13:51
Sounds like £500+ essential ecu repair coming on! ( if you tell the Mrs)
Well worth it to , I nearley forgot how good rica is, untill I drove a stock T5 last week , and it felt slugish in 3rd gear onwards in comparison !

Wobbly Dave
Monday 16th May 2005, 15:29
I can try and stick my head round the corner at lunch time for a bit if you like?

Tuesday 17th May 2005, 09:53
That sounds like a great plan Dave.

It would be nice to put a voice and face to the text :lol:

Lance you could well be right there mate if the old girls up to it then it might well be an option/nesesity :D

Also looks like I might have to get a Shell fuel card for all that Optimax that will be going in, but for all the fun and games to be had, I'm sure it'll be worth it

Tuesday 17th May 2005, 13:54
What sort of time are you getting there as i work nights not far from VT and would be happy to say hello if the timing is right otherwise have fun and watch out for the blue ford st unmarked around junction 3


Tuesday 17th May 2005, 14:27
What time are you about, and how long for mate? I'll get down there if I can.



Wobbly Dave
Tuesday 17th May 2005, 14:28
I have been told that things are gonna be a bit hectic down there tomorrow and as such, we need to respect the limited space available down Factory Lane, outside VT. With MOT's and the like, we don't wanna get in the way.

I am as guilty as anyone of flaunting the rules regarding Health and Safety and will try to lead by example and not go floating around the workshop floor. :o!!

I shall park on the main road and it would be appreciated if Rich and anyone else not having work done that day could keep their cars out of the way.

Tuesday 17th May 2005, 15:55
This sounds like a mini meet at VT. I shall be leaving home about 5am just to avoid the traffic on M25. I know i'll be there early but hey it'll be worth the wait.

Mullet and Rich I'll prob be there most of day as the credit card might aswell be abused once and for all :D if I can get away with it SWMBO will no doubt be on the phone a few times so we will have to make up some good reasons for the spend.....

Hope to see you all in the morning and Dave at Lunch

until then BFN

Tuesday 17th May 2005, 16:05
I'm working all day mate, so will probably only be able to make it down for 20 minutes or so at lunchtime... but will do my best :)

Dave - noted mate.

Tuesday 17th May 2005, 16:18
Not a problem be good to see you again Mullet.

Tuesday 17th May 2005, 18:29
No problem will park well out of the way

Wobbly Dave
Tuesday 17th May 2005, 23:25
I think if I were you that you can park in the pub car park about 100 yards up the road (next to the zebra crossing & chip shop)

Wednesday 18th May 2005, 12:24
Good to meet you mate hope it all went well in the end maybe see you at the bbq.Hope you enjoyed the drive home!!!!


Wednesday 18th May 2005, 14:15
I have just one thing to say to you Greg!! You Jammy ghet!!! LOL


Wednesday 18th May 2005, 14:18
I have just one thing to say to you Greg!! You Jammy ghet!!! LOL

Too bl00dy right! You lucky, lucky bastage!

Good to see you again mate. Let us know how the drive home went ;)

Wednesday 18th May 2005, 19:49
Is this in reference to anything in particular - just for those of us who couldn't attend ?

Wednesday 18th May 2005, 20:01
Yes mate, when Hamish looked at his car, it turned out that the turbo was dodgy... which VERY luckily, came under the warranty for the car, so he's got himself a new (re-con?) turbo gratis - all he has to do is send off the bill when he gets home :D

Pedro Fandango
Wednesday 18th May 2005, 21:20
19T on the way then :wink:

Thursday 19th May 2005, 09:28
Rich,nice to meet you and that was what I call a Big Breakfast.The journey home with a STANDARD car was pleasing to say the least.

Mullet, Good to see you again and yes you were spot on I am a lucky lucky bar-steward.

Moppy, love you too x

Dave, nice to see you, thanks for the ride in your red spaceship, if she had wings I am very sure we would have taken off. The pub was nice but not sure about the cat skull in the rockery :eek:

Pedro, sorry to say but there will be no 19t on my car.

In the end the journey up to Bromsgrove took me 2 1/4 hours, meet with Rich at hopwood services. We then proceeded to VT. Coffee at VT with Adam (nice chap), Hamish turned up and after 5 mins under the bonnet of the car tells me the Turbos shagged :worried: Afew phone calls later, got auterisation from the chap who sold me the car for the job to be done :D

With new turbo installed Adam and Hamish take it out for road test. 10 mins later they return looking green. The turbo's fine they say but the ride is like being on a boat your suspension is shot.

Next thing the car is up in the air, wheels off and 2 new Munroe Dynamis are going on the front at the same time a new cam belt being fitted.

All in all I had a great day and the bankaccount took a battering but bl00dy hell, you can't get better than a VT fitter.

Many thanks to Hamish and little Bear for all you splendid work. Will look forward to the next visit.

Thursday 19th May 2005, 09:32
you can't get better than a VT fitter.

Quality!! LMSO!! :B_rotfl:

Wanna name drop your nice trader man who is paying for all this? LOL!


Thursday 19th May 2005, 09:39
Not quite paying for all but paying for the new turbo.

I bought the car from Staplehurst Car Sales with a 12 month warrenty www.staplehurstcarsales.co.uk

Total bill for yesterday was £1403.43 and warrenty covers the £728.50 for the turbo.

Thursday 19th May 2005, 09:42
Buy your next Volvo here:

www.staplehurstcarsales.co.uk (http://www.staplehurstcarsales.co.uk/)

Thursday 19th May 2005, 09:45
Justin that's what I call Too the point.

Thursday 19th May 2005, 09:53
LOL!! Knowing how much money the guy has spent on your car thus far I'd buy off him!!


Thursday 19th May 2005, 10:07
Exactly, anyone who offers a warranty like that deserves a mention like that.

Hats off to them :)

Wobbly Dave
Thursday 19th May 2005, 10:18
Was having a few wobbly moments but I was very pleased to meet Greg. Sound lad. I am glad that you enjoyed the ride. Your car is a credit to you - that colour/breed will be a collectors item - if not already!

Thursday 19th May 2005, 10:29
Normally the sort of place I would buy a second hand motor from!
He has 3 X V70 T5s in too!

Thursday 19th May 2005, 10:38
I don't mean to be negative here, but thought I should mention my experience of the before-mentioned garage too. I travelled a fair way down there to view a 96 850 T5 a while back that was described as excellent condition and priced accordingly (£4995). On arrival the said car was in terrible condition e.g. exhaust very badly rusted, radio aerial not working, alloys severly damaged, blue smoke and load ticking on start-up etc.. and although low miles (~70k) can raise a cars price, I was disappointed that the car was not more honestly described. The guy there however was very nice and no doubt that warranty is second to none, but thought I would share my experience too.