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Sunday 8th February 2009, 17:11
I hit a huge pothole yesterday which created a big dent on the inside rim of the alloy. I'll look at getting it repaired but I'm doubtful it can be done. I love these alloys but can't find them anywhere (still looking, lots of calls to make tomorrow). So I either need these or some suggestions for alternatives...?

Current wheels are:
Mille Miglia EV-S, 8x18", 5x108 (the fitting seems to be the issue!), ET40 (which take the Eagle 225/40/R18s).

Any suggestions?

(PS - I will be charging the council, the hole was 5 ft x 16" x 4in deep - hit it in the dark at 30-35mph only, leading to 5 inches of the inner rim being straight rather then curved! I suspect they'll only compensate for the one wheel even though I may need a full set.)

Sunday 8th February 2009, 17:15
Sorry to hear mate, CLAIM! You pay your road tax... stands to reason!

kev smith
Sunday 8th February 2009, 21:17
hi sorry to hear about the rim i had the same thing happen to me on my v70r which damaged both passenger side tyres and being awd cost me a complete set of 4!

however councils on average councils only pay out on 2% of claims the reason for this is that they have highway inspectors who do a 3 a 6 or 12 cycle on all roads dependant on what class the road falls under. they will only pay out for two reasons one is if they were late inspecting the road however they get a three week leeway anything after that they are liable the second reason is if the pothole has been reported but not repaired but the length of time for this is sketchy as they have three different priorities pa pb and pc pa being the highest where they have to respond within two hours pc is normally two days again this depends on what road it is and what ever mode the call centre op is in when you call.

the reason i know this is that im a sub contractor for my local council on the highways and i know one of the road inspectors very well however when this happened to me i thought i would be wise so i got a mate in the office to find out if the road had been inspected and was pleased to see it was 17 weeks from its last inspection which put it 2 weeks out side there leeway period one nill to me i thought.
so with that i applied to the freedom of information department for inspection dates work carried out and any emergencies within the last 12 months but when it arrived in paper at my door the dates of the inspections had been changed to suit them and i know this as they supply you screen shots off their computer system which i had already seen with my own two eyes!!!!

what i had intended to do was gather evidence against them and take them to a small claims court as they usually take pity on the little man but that was blown out of the water when they altered there system to suit themselves!
the other option you have is to fill there forms in and hope they are honest and pay up if they are liable as if...

i have one more trick in my sleeve which could cause a lot of uproar and lose me my job or i just add an extra few hours every week to my time sheet until im reimbursed.

oh and if you are going to claim make sure you go to a tyre centre or garage that can write a report for the damage detailing most likely cause as they want proof you hit it and take pictures of the hole preferably with a camera that can stamp a date over the pic or hold a current news paper or similar in the shot also use a tape measure in the pic with a bit of wood spanning the hole to give a proper idea of depth or some sort of common object that most people can relate to in terms of size trust me it will help.


kev smith
Sunday 8th February 2009, 21:27
just to add if you have not already checked i would spin the other wheel around because if the damage is as bad as you say on one wheel the other wheel is near on guaranteed to have some damage assuming both wheels on one side went through it.

Sunday 8th February 2009, 22:29
I sub to a local authority in traffic and I say put in the claim, make sure you take photos with date, email the manager of the highways dept of the local authority and CC the email to a local ward councillor, this usually starts a 'member's enquiry'. Make sure you take a lot of photos including the depth witha ruler, and ask them when the last time that road was resurfaced or patched. Only ask this after you have emailed the photos. It will take time , but they will settle if the claim is legitimate, and has been logged but not repaired. If it is expensive repair, get your friendly solicitor to write them a letter....

Monday 9th February 2009, 14:49
Thanks for the info guys. I did take pics, with tape. I'm pretty sure it's been there for a while - there's no was a hole that large can just be created. So I'm just waiting for my insurance co to call be back, I have legal cover so it will be interesting to see their take on it. I'll let you know the outcome.

I haven't located a replacement yet, but have a repair guy on standby to come out and have a look - he seems to think it is possible but needs to see it first hand.