View Full Version : found (a bit) of rust

Saturday 17th January 2009, 19:48
i gave both cars a good clean today and finally decided to sort this little problem :help:
its only a tempary job until i get it done professionally so please dont slate the workmanship :smile:
i was quite nervous attacking the T5 with an angle grinder and genolite but all,s well :P
i did,nt fill and paint it, just covered it with red vinyl, its hardly noticable and looks far better :smileypul
it is a bodge but a very good one :pimp2:

WHY do people ram big fat screws in tailgate when theres already good holes to use???

Saturday 17th January 2009, 20:04
I can go better than that. unfortunatly I never took a photo

I had a Black Mini given to me, had major rust probs on bottom of doors etc, so I cleaned rubbed down and did botyom half of car in red Fablon, looked a bit pants up close, but from a distance looked quite smart. Did the Job, and change from a tenner

Saturday 17th January 2009, 20:07
I can go better than that. unfortunatly I never took a photo

I had a Black Mini given to me, had major rust probs on bottom of doors etc, so I cleaned rubbed down and did botyom half of car in red Fablon, looked a bit pants up close, but from a distance looked quite smart. Did the Job, and change from a tenner

classic old skool repairs :hilarious

Saturday 17th January 2009, 20:26
But the rust is still there and it will only get worse,give it a coat of galvafroid paint and then spray grease inside the tailgate.

Saturday 17th January 2009, 20:29
when it gets done right i think it,ll get cut out and plated over.

Saturday 17th January 2009, 21:18
Just attack it with the angle grinder until its all shiny steel then get some of the rust treatment stuff you can buy from halfrauds, bang that on then spray it over with a rattle can that matches your paint colour. just remember to primer it first, (maybe even worth banging some etch primer on it to keep the rust at bay even more)

Saturday 17th January 2009, 21:32
looks good to me..

Saturday 17th January 2009, 22:07
Personaly, if it where me I think I'd just swap the tailgate, it's not like their expensive and you can go for one off a V70 and get the high level led brake light.

t5 pete
Sunday 18th January 2009, 19:20
Just had a look on euro car parts and the v70 tail gate is £388 but thats for a brandnew one the only risk you run by getting a second hand one is the rear dimister mite not work fully


Dangerous Dave
Sunday 18th January 2009, 20:00
I had a Black Mini given to me, had major rust probs on bottom of doors etc,

I know the feeling! I'm helping my brother repair his mini, and so far every time we move along to the next bit of bodywork, another hole appears. Its completely stripped out at the moment, and we just keep hitting it with a hammer until the holes stop getting bigger LOL.

Sunday 18th January 2009, 23:38
Why bother changing your tailgate because of some rust behind your number plate when it can be easily treated.