View Full Version : Oil temp

Saturday 3rd January 2009, 09:40
changed my oil yesterday and have now left my car over night after funning it to let oil setle so i can top up as nesesary.

the car is frozen over and ice cold. can i top up acuately when oil is freezing cold or does the oil level drop when cold?

what i mean is if i top up to max level when engine is freezing will the oil level go up above max when oil is warmed up?

just dont want to put to much in

t5 stealth
Saturday 3rd January 2009, 09:55
aslong as u got the car on level ground wen u check level then it wont hurt to top it up if its hot or cold,if ur unsure then just run it for 5 mins then give it a minit to settle b4 u check it & top it up,
i expect it will only want a dribble if u filled it to max wen u left it...
if its a knats over or under it wont hurt,anything it dont want will burn out anyway especially if its a turbo engine as they tend to burn a small amount of oil...oil temp shouldnt make much odds to the level tho,ur quite safe lol

Saturday 3rd January 2009, 09:59
aslong as u got the car on level ground wen u check level then it wont hurt to top it up if its hot or cold,if ur unsure then just run it for 5 mins then give it a minit to settle b4 u check it & top it up,
i expect it will only want a dribble if u filled it to max wen u left it...
if its a knats over or under it wont hurt,anything it dont want will burn out anyway especially if its a turbo engine as they tend to burn a small amount of oil...oil temp shouldnt make much odds to the level tho,ur quite safe lol

ok cheers mate.
LOL didnt no if oil level dropped when freezing cold.
just making sure LOL

t5 stealth
Saturday 3rd January 2009, 10:05
no prob mate.
if oil did drop it wouldnt be that noticeble on the stick,thats only a rough guide,not accurate,
aslong as the oil is above the min but nearer the max it shouldnt do any harm.

Saturday 3rd January 2009, 10:07
no prob mate.
if oil did drop it wouldnt be that noticeble on the stick,thats only a rough guide,not accurate,
aslong as the oil is above the min but nearer the max it shouldnt do any harm.

ok mate cheers.