View Full Version : P2 V70 Fuel rail sensor - Help needed.

Sunday 14th December 2008, 20:25
If anyone could offer advise, I'd be very grateful.

Once or twice over the last few months, I felt a; well almost a misfire. Its only happened 2 or 3 times and once occured everything is normal again.

Being rather anal, I hate to think that something is a miss; so have done loads of net research. I'm aware that a few of the guys on Sweedespeed have report issues like this on their R's but it all seems to point to a Fuel rail recall that was issued in the States for certain models (my engine number is one of them)

I have checked with the local dealer and been told that this isnt a valid UK recall and they have no knowledge of any issue like this. In the short, I think this little gremlin could be down to one of several componets, either

a) The fuel rail sensor (refered to in US recall 181)
b) The MAF sensor
c) The TCV
d) A split hose somewhere ??

I have a newly aquired ELM327 data logging cable and wanted to know what parameters these 3 componets should be running between.

Can anyone help or point me in another direction ?

NB: Dealer said I'd need to be hooked up to the machine to read any codes. I know there arent any recorded or pending, but they say thats the first point of call. I know they will swap all of the above in hope of sorting it, which will cost me loads before xmas.
