View Full Version : lifeless engine

peter kellett
Saturday 12th July 2008, 19:44
Very infrequently (and un-predictably) my 1999 2.5 litre V 70 diesel estate will fire and run for a second on start-up, but then die almost immediately. Absolutely no amount of cranking will produce as much as a cough; the engine is just dead. It can sometimes be a matter of a couple of months between this incident occurring. So far, all that has been necessary is to wait for 10 minutes or so, sometimes even less, after which time it starts and runs perfectly. All auto-repair operators here need it to be in malfunction mode in order to perform a diagnosis, which is obviously impossible to arrange in view of the infrequency of the affliction. It did happen while on the premises of one local highly competent engineer, but by the time he had collected his diagnostic equipment and returned to turn the key the engine started and ran perfectly ! Presumably this must be some sort of electronic malfunction, but is it ever going to be possible to diagnose this ? Engine being warm or cold seems to make no difference. All glow plugs have been recently replaced and are fully functional. Makes no difference. Can anyone help ?

Saturday 12th July 2008, 20:03
what car is this on?

and also do you have any other electronic devices near the key or another set of car keys on the same key ring.

by the sounds of it its the anttena ring playing up.


Saturday 12th July 2008, 20:31
Agreed,these are a bit of a common weak point,about £30 ish new.

peter kellett
Saturday 12th July 2008, 20:47
what car is this on?

and also do you have any other electronic devices near the key or another set of car keys on the same key ring.

by the sounds of it its the anttena ring playing up.


If you read my query again you will see that it is a 1999 2.5 litre V 70 diesel estate.

Saturday 12th July 2008, 21:38
sorry skipped passed that bit. yeah as i stated the green glowing ring around the lock barrel can play up i think this should be your first port of call as it is cheap and easy to replace yourself.

Hope this helps
