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Tuesday 12th April 2005, 21:40
This one is a goody and might catch out the unwary driller!

I did the airbox drilling mod and was quite impressed with the result, mainly better high speed pick up. After about a week, the car started to just slow down. Running and idleing was still smooth, just a noticable lack of power. I took out the old air filter for closer inspection and found the problem. A mound of old leaves/bits of tissue and general engine gunk. The holes had sucked up all the local rubish. After over 200K there was a fair bit! I cleaned off the big cack from the filter and treated myself to a new KN panel filter. Fitted it this morning and I now have quite a bit more PFFFHHHWWWWOOOORRRRR than before!

Moral of the story? Check whats under your airbox before you drill it and K+N make good gear :smile:

Wobbly Dave
Tuesday 12th April 2005, 21:57
As do ITG

Tuesday 12th April 2005, 23:05
Is there somesort of payoff for mentioning ITG all the time?, I only ask as everytime somebody mentions another brand of airfilter we get that thrown in as well.

Wednesday 13th April 2005, 08:39
Its a Dave thing TC - you get used to it LOL


Wednesday 13th April 2005, 08:44
He's just evening the field and giving people choices :)

I have both - I plan to do proper tests shortly - the K&N is less messy... the ITG filter I have is covered in green gunk...

Wobbly Dave
Wednesday 13th April 2005, 10:25
Is there somesort of payoff for mentioning ITG all the time?, I only ask as everytime somebody mentions another brand of airfilter we get that thrown in as well.

Do what you like I don't care :nut:

Its a Dave thing TC - you get used to it LOL

Put a piece of paper towel in there if you want. Bounty seems to be the strongest.

Wednesday 13th April 2005, 11:48
lol, nice one dave.i'm with you on the itg anyway,have to try the bounty though!!