View Full Version : cough, splutter and away we go...

Saturday 9th September 2006, 10:01

Got back from France yesterday. Done just under 2000 miles down to LaRochelle and back on what I can only describe as the smoothest motorways I've ever encountered. (puts UK motorways to shame - almost 3rd world quality).
Anyway, I noticed that very occaisionally that the car felt like it missed a spark. No problem. A dirty plug or dodgy lead or something. It became apparent that this "misfire" was getting slightly worse the point where the engine cut out for between 1-3 seconds when travelling along. It got itself going again without any intervention from me and carried on without any problem until (and i realised this after a couple of fill-ups), the fuel gauge got to about 5 gallons or thereabouts. Hmm. Faulty fuel pump/sucking in air? something in the tank other than petrol and air? OR just coincidence?
The car still had its little 'misses' here and there but predominantly worse at the 5 gallon fuel left mark.

Suggestions on a postcard please ?? :-)

Let me tell you... its a scary feeling when you're tearing up the autoroute at
breakneck speeds and the engine gives up for a few seconds.

The only other problem on the trip was that the passenger front window regulator decided to jam - in the down position. Limited tools on board - door panel off, mechanism unbolted, ah... no way thats coming off. Siezed solid. Had to get a local garage to cut the regulator out from within the door so he could wedge the window up with some wood. (which caused problems at toll booths. Well, for the Mrs anyway !l lol).

So; Fantastic roads, temperatures between 28-32 deg/C and a cough here and there.


Oh, has anyone got a N/S/F window regulator/motor assy for sale for a 98 V70 t5 ?