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Monday 4th April 2005, 16:59
My sump plug is really tight. So much so that i have rounded the edges off trying to get it out.
Anybody had the same thing happen ?
What is the best thing to try ?
Any ideas would be greatly apreciated !!!! :confused:

Wobbly Dave
Monday 4th April 2005, 17:13
What are you using to undo it?

Monday 4th April 2005, 17:25
What are you using to undo it?
2lb lump hammer and bolster chisel at the moment !
No, just kidding Dave. i used the apropriate socket from my socket set but the plug didn't budge. instead the socket just slipped off the plug causing the plug to round off.

Monday 4th April 2005, 17:32
My sump plug is really tight. So much so that i have rounded the edges off trying to get it out.
Anybody had the same thing happen ?
What is the best thing to try ?
Any ideas would be greatly apreciated !!!! :confused:

Start with some deep penetration oil/fluid.

Wobbly Dave
Monday 4th April 2005, 17:32
Whatever happens you'll need a new plug. So go get one first. Also buy some penetrating oil, to free it chemically. You might then be able to knock on the next size down (socket that is). Use a 1/2 driver or a longbar. Don't try to bash down, easy in the pressure. If you have good sockets you should be able to get it off. If not take it to a garage and let them do it - be easier in the long run.

Tuesday 5th April 2005, 09:14
My sump plug is really tight. So much so that i have rounded the edges off trying to get it out.
Anybody had the same thing happen ?
What is the best thing to try ?
Any ideas would be greatly apreciated !!!! :confused:

I know it sounds silly, but are you sure your turning it the right way? When you're upside down and back-to-front it is sometimes easy to mix up rotational directions. I must admit I have done this before. :slap: Or perhaps it's just me that gets confused... :rolleyes2

Tuesday 5th April 2005, 09:30
If the fluid doesn't work you'll have to file 2 flats on the bolt and use a pair of Mole grips on her.

Tuesday 5th April 2005, 19:37
Single hexagon impact type socket? Or failing that stillsons :hidesbehi

Tuesday 5th April 2005, 19:42
Single hexagon impact type socketThats what i used,came close to stipping it too so used the above and an air gun got it out clean make sure you use a 17mm socket

Tuesday 5th April 2005, 20:17
Single hexagon impact type socket? Or failing that stillsons :hidesbehi
Yep, tried the stillsons mate, but they just made more of a mess !!!

andi t5
Tuesday 5th April 2005, 20:59
i had a similiar problem with a mates car (who is a real mechanical muppet) he,d overtorqued the plug masssively and then knackered the head using his crappy socket set i managed to get it off by being really brutal and hammering a good quality 16 mm socket on and using a 1/2 breaker bar, failing that remove the sump and drill it our carefully

Wobbly Dave
Tuesday 5th April 2005, 23:25
In some ways having the oil filter on the bottom is a blessing. It means you can drain the sump without opening the plug and remove most of the oil.

Make a lot of mess doing it but at least you can get most of the oil out before removing the sump.

I would still be tempted to take it to a garage first and let them have a go - with the car in the air it will be a lot easier.

Wednesday 6th April 2005, 07:07
Bl**dy hell if stillsons wont shift it its tight. Another chance may be to make sure the engine is nice and warm so the oil heats the sump, might help a little. Have had to weld bolts onto sump plugs before on trucks but never on a car.

Wednesday 6th April 2005, 09:14
Try drilling a hole in the middle of the plug, (not all the way through thou) this will relieve some of the compression tension on the seat of the plug and might just be enough for it to crack the seal.

Try like a 3mm bit and failing that go to a 5mm bit.

Then use what ever you can to grip the head and apply pressure gradually.

The other thing you can do is if you can get another pair of hands is while you apply the pressure get the other bod to ring the plug buy tapping in with a bit of bar and a hammer.

Dam Ally is a pain in the ass for this.

Good luck anyway.


Wednesday 6th April 2005, 09:20
Thanks for all the usefull tips guys i will try everything suggested.