View Full Version : internal water leak

Wednesday 2nd August 2006, 22:32
Hey there,
Do the V70's have a common problem with leaking water into the boot?

I seem to get a small pool accumilate on the luggage cover after its rained/cleaned the car. The water comes through the hole near the hanger hook halfway along the quarter-panel glass, so its fair to assume that the water is getting in along that edge somewhere and running on the inside of the plastic trim.

I just wondered if anyone know of a common place where the water gets in before i go to the trouble of stripping trims out and sitting someone inside whilst wetting the car.


Wednesday 2nd August 2006, 22:37
Can't indentify anything for you but would just point out, that H2O has a nasty habit of coming from the most unexpected places. It could even follow a cable to emerge where it is. Don't feel certain it is from that particular spot. I read somewhere, that it may pay dividends to do some tests by pouring water in places and by elimination trace the point of ingress.

Wednesday 2nd August 2006, 23:06
Sunroof - do you have one?? Or rood bar mounting channels??
Both can be masked with a plastic sheet and tape before the water ingress test (or next natural rain) to provide a cheap easy check - if somewhat humiliating??

Thursday 3rd August 2006, 02:54
Stupid as it sounds check the mounting on the rear wiper thats where mine leaked from.Its only held on with a clip on the inside and it can come loose,it only leaked when i cleaned the car.

Saturday 5th August 2006, 11:24
Thanks for your input guys, I'll be running some checks this weekend. I've eliminated the sunroof already, as I aint got one !!
