View Full Version : what is it?!?

Thursday 25th May 2006, 17:48
After closely examining my p2 v70 i noticed something unusal lurking behind the grill....
On the right hand side of the grill, there is a horn, but on the left, covering a 1/3 of the rad, is a piece of moulded plastic. It looks like a cover, but i cant see any use for it! I was wondering whther the police used it previously, to mount there lights on???
Any help would be appreciated, as im thinkin of getting rid, to increase the nice cold air coming in!!

Thursday 25th May 2006, 18:01
got a piccy?

Thursday 25th May 2006, 18:10
will try and get one, its difficult to see due to it being matt black

Thursday 25th May 2006, 18:56
here we go, a pic of the mystery object!!

Thursday 25th May 2006, 19:53
Bin it, looks like a piece of excess weight to me, more weight equals slower car...

You need to de Police your car mate...

Thursday 25th May 2006, 19:54
will do mate, do you do full resprays ?!? lol

Thursday 25th May 2006, 20:01
Only if you have somewhere big enough to spray it in, my place aint big enough for a full on job.

Oh, I also meant removing all the old Police crap from inside.I found loads ( and I mean LOADS) of old wiring that had been chopped off and just left in. Also found a huge peice of kevlar type material in the roof lining, wieghed quite a bit.

Thursday 25th May 2006, 20:03
i aint had time to have a look, but will do this weekend, as im not in work now till tuesday!

Thursday 25th May 2006, 20:05
Looks like some sort of air induction thing, possibly

Thursday 25th May 2006, 20:52
think i will get rid of it 2moro,as its blocking part of the rad!

Thursday 25th May 2006, 20:57
Possibly something for amplifying the sirens outta the front of the car?! :cuckoo:

Just guessing - looks like it has to go though eh?!

Thursday 25th May 2006, 22:20
it is the siren speaker cowling - looks like the salvaged the speaker itself.

Thursday 25th May 2006, 22:36
it is the siren speaker cowling - looks like the salvaged the speaker itself.

what he said :lol:

Thursday 25th May 2006, 23:20
keep it and whack a siren in!!